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weekend bopper

A particular breed of alcoholic/drug addict who gets drunk or abuses illicit drugs on the weekends.

Jonny won't admit he's a weekend bopper, because he gets his shit done during the week.

by autumnalwaysleaves May 4, 2009

tesco bopper

a group of people whom sit outside of Tesco most likely because their banned from the inside and they have nothing else to do. Usually teenagers who smoke and think their 10 men. Dressed like mediocre chavs, waiting for their 17 year old boyfriend who has just passed their driving test and drives a fiat punto with a shitty exhaust and subwoofer blasting that's not me to pick them up and take them to maccies.

Who are the those people who sit outside Tesco? They are Tesco boppers

by 123swagfamxo June 9, 2017

wally boppers

Enormous, pendulous breast that delight all who see them.

As she ran for the bus, her swinging wally boppers knocked several valuable curios from the middle and upper shelves.

by Mr. Butterworth February 12, 2011

red-tail piston bopper

The mating call of a rare bird that inhabits the car engine. Identified by a loud screeching sound upon ignition (not to be confused by a worn out engine belt)

"Did you know that your car is making a loud screeching noise?"
"Yes, I think it's a red-tail piston bopper.
It's a mating call."

by Flighty February 1, 2019


A rap on the head with the knuckles, usually as a punishment.

Dad: Billy stop making fun of your mother right now!!
Billy: But she's soooooo fat!
Dad: Gives Billy a sound dilly-bopper on the top of the head.
Dad: I will not tolerate your mocking!

by Ightnow September 23, 2022

tree bopper

a white male with a large right arm a loves playing with his trunk

you’re a true tree bopper

by Hoy Boy February 7, 2018