Source Code

Flipping bottles

Flipping a bottle so it lands on its bottom. An activity Grayson Dolan is not capable of doing.

Grayson Dolan is not good at flipping bottles.

by Ethslane November 23, 2016

Leaky Bottle

A sex act during which you piss into one of your partner's orifices (other than the mouth), but you don't like waste so you drink it as it leaks back out of them much like you'd do with a leaking bottle.

- "Dude yesterday I Leaky Bottled my girlfriend."
- "What the fuck? ew."
- "Nah man that shit's fire, want to try it with me?"

by 69MeatMyBeat69 November 23, 2019

Tha Bottle

(preferably a Sprite 500ml bottle)
Smoking Implement

Step-by-Step User Guide
1. Burn two holes in the bottle, one shottie and one to hold the Jon Digger.
2. Secure the Jon Digger with Tac Du-Un bleu (Blu-Tac)
3. Blaze that bad boy.

Dya want this one in tha bottle? Quote : Kev & Flynn

by Flynn December 11, 2003

bottle me

When your employer does not have a maintained water supply and the office runs out of drinking water and thirst is on the raise; bottle me to hydrated.

I am thirsty please bottle me.
Bottle me few water bottles.

by Bhkool November 5, 2020

Bottle Jam

After having sex with your girl, you wake up in the middle of the night grab a water bottle and twist the bottle so the pressure can build up, aim it toward the vagina and unscrew the cap quicky.

Mike: So how was last night?
John: Ha it was great i fucked the bitch waited her to sleep peacefully then bottle jammed her TWICE!!!!!

by Dike Mink March 25, 2008

18๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sex In A Bottle

A proposterious phrase used by Colorado Springs folk to describe an unatainable euphoric feeling.

Tim: Longboarding is awesome.
Ben: I know it's like sex in a bottle!
Jordan: What!?

by WickedPraisE January 29, 2009

19๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

bottle boy

A boy who gets their balls stuck in a bottle!

yeah we all know Sam.M. did it!

by Zoe April 23, 2005

43๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž