A smelly fungi that has a tendancy to grow around beer
Benny Brew is all over the keg!
Ejaclation resting in a girls vagina for an extended period of time
Yo my girl was trying to goo brew her, but I wasn't about to have a baby
The new and better term for Non-Alcoholic beer
Let me get a Na Brews! Dude this NA Brews is awesome , so refreshing
Until proven otherwise when sober, a beer that could be both in or out of the stomach.
As Chris began to black out, he realized Schroedinger's Brew would be in effect until the next morning.
Asking someone to make a cup of tea.
I'm a bit parched are you going to put a brew on.
When a deplorable female fills her b-hole with beer and sprays it out into a man's mouth to consume ejecting the beer and any loose matter into her victims mouth
My boy Dave is still traumatized after that hussy Lisa fed him the troubling brew
The process of brewing six 5 gallon batches of homebrew using only two 15 gallon brew kettles. The process involves topping up the brew kettle with additional wort or water as the boil progresses such that the final volume of the boil is almost the full capacity of the kettle. This yields 4.5 gallons of wort in each fermenter, with slightly higher gravity than the desired initial gravity. 0.5 gallons of water is then used to top up each fermenter to give 6 full carboys of beer.
It was a busy brew day, but we pulled a successful triple lindy brew despite an early boilover and a stuck sparge on the second springboard.