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Bubble Bass

That fat nerd from Spongebob Squarepants


by Armadillo Stomach September 3, 2021

3๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bubble Diarrhea

A term often used by your wise old uncle, sometimes drunk, used to describe a fart followed by a large quantity of diarrhea with its surface tension stretched until it pops, leading to a change of underwear.

Similar in nature to explosive diarrhea

Oh shit Bob, I just fart gambled and lost to a spurt of bubble diarrhea

by Fart Gambler November 18, 2019

Magma Bubble

A fart that bubbles and splatters a mixture of blood and feces out.

Having too much hardcore anal sex may lead to having magma bubbles.

by DroolingDog January 19, 2013

Bubble Sucker

The unfortunate consequence of too much air being blown up the anus during the act of giving a rim job - resulting in gases being omitted back into the givers mouth.

Jack: I was giving a rusty trombone to some dude last night and he farted in my mouth.
Brent: Oh i hate becoming a bubble sucker.
Jack: Yeah, it tasted like tortilla chips.

by geordiedevil August 3, 2015

Gaijin Bubble

When the Japanese trains are packed at full capacity, and native Japanese refuse to stand/sit around a foreigner.

"Wow, my gaijin bubble extended two whole seats today!"

by ccminny October 30, 2011

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Berko Bubble

A phrase used in connection to the town of Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire, to describe the complete isolation of it's inhabitants to the outside world. It is a town of extremes, where the rich rub shoulders with the pseudo-poor (true poverty doesn't exist here). A juxtaposition of the beauty of the chilltern landscape against the grotesque failings of human nature. But alas, the failings and flaws of this historic town go ignored, unseen, brushed under the rug, by the parochial, closed-minded natives and the bubble remains intact.

Person 1:"He's Berko born and bred, He goes down the crown every friday and I heard he's getting married to his cousin next week"

Person 2: "That's the Berko Bubble for you"

Person 1:"She's Lived in berko her whole life. She's a posh bitch, with an unjustifiable sense of entitlement who has no concept of the the trials and tribulations of real life."

Person 2: "That's the Berko Bubble for you"

Person 1:"She spends all her daddy's money on feeding her crack habit because there's nothing else to do in this town."

Person 2: "Again, the Berko Bubble for you"

by Daisy Devine August 30, 2011

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Bubble Gum

A well-known strain of marijuana. Looks like any old frosty nugs, save it's smell- which is very sweet w/ a slight hint of lemon and pine. Tastes almost exactly like bubble gum, hence the name. Very strong, also has a nicely balanced high; it's relaxing but sociable, cerebral but not paranoid, nice body buzz but no couchlock, pretty much just a euphoric, easy high. Usually is pretty expensive but well worth it.

Bubble gum is the shit.

by Buddha420 October 16, 2005

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