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a red headed sycho bitch who only wears lipstick on her teeth and struts around like one legged flamingo in universal. She often threatens to rip off peoples limbs at 1 am. she has a small obsession with coral REEF

1: that girl over there is a total Chloe 2: dude did she rip off your limbs????

by RICHBITCHHH January 5, 2019

2👍 4👎


Chloe is the super judgmental ass cracker. Even tho she is fucking judgmental she will stick by you through everything. She really looks at your personality as a key factor so you have to be careful with how you say and do things but ya know gotta learn somehow. She will talk to you everyday and all day and it will turn your whole mood around. She’s nice (sometimes) but can be a lil mean ass but u have to learn to not be a damn sensitive ass bitch. She’s super duper pretty and she knows that she is too. If someone knows a chloe they know that she is a hell of a good ass friend and will be your favorite person in the whole wide world, you also know that u couldn’t stop talking to her even if you wanted to because she’s the best man.

Wow Chloe is really fucking gay

by K hend May 26, 2019

2👍 4👎


A whore.

Chloe is a whore.

by iconichoetingz October 13, 2019

4👍 9👎


A Girl who used to be nice and bubbly but turned sour..
usually she is a wanna be emo, eg; such as the hit youtube sensation chloeée ash. she will dye her hair many colours, and her hair will eventually fall out, and she will look like golloum from lord of the rings, or a frog... A Chloe usually "GRAFTS" on boys 3 times her age! and she thinks every boy wants her. which is not cool... or true, ALSO usually a chloe is a scrawny GOBSHITE.

dude 1: "OMG, you seen chloee on Urbis?"
dude 2: "yeh man, whats with the ginger and blue hair?:s"
dude 1: "i don't know, i heard she got "wasted" and dyed it, but thats probably bullshit..."

by WANNAbeEMO4LIFE August 1, 2011

16👍 56👎


will rape a seagull if provoked

I can't believe she is so amazing at raping seagulls!

yeah dude she's a Chloe.

by MaddieDaWeirdo April 2, 2018

3👍 6👎


A hoe that never gets things her way. And then throws a tantrum about it Because she is a childish slag.

Shes a chloe
Eww, that hoe

by Xxx.£.xxX October 13, 2018

3👍 6👎


A Chloe is the type of girl who could change your life. She is usually a smart, fun and caring person to be around. If you choose to date a Chloe, you will certainly not regret it. She will love you as long as you love her. Oh and if you make enemies with a Chloe you better be prepared because she goes all in. Chloe’s are very loyal people and will stand by you as long as you do no wrong

Person 1: who’s that? She’s so caring helping that old woman cross the street.

Person 2: Oh her she’s a chloe

by X__Bella_The_Otaku__X August 30, 2019

3👍 6👎