Source Code

Jesus Christ

My nigga, weee lovve jesus christ yeahhh jesussss fuck athiests lets go jesus lets goo god and jesuus man nghgfnfhdndj

Jesus: I am christ
Smart people : yayyy my nigga brooo jesus christ
Athiest fucktard: fake
Smart people : *pop that nigga ass*

by TheEarthIsFlatIdiotsUGH April 6, 2022

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Jesus Christ

most based man on earth

1: have you heard of Jesus Christ
2: yea hes based as shit

by KronnixzMcShitnuts April 26, 2022

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Christ trender

A person who only believes in jesus/god to make their family/friends happy even though they truly do not believe; or someone who believes in jesus/god so they can feel good for the bad thing they have done, will do, and are doing.

Jenny is such a Christ trender she only believes so that she can be forgiven for stealing all he time!

by Doom song August 22, 2018

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jisoos christ

jisoos christ is the god of the religion known as kpop. he is a member of the group of handsome motherfuckers called seventeen. jisoos christ (also known as joshua) believes that drinking water is the right thing rather than alcohol.

The only God I believe in is the Kpop God Jisoos Christ
Ya'll are sinners! Ya'll need Jisoos Christ!

by Kim_Jisoos June 27, 2017

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jesus hitler christ

an exclamation of shock or disgust

"Jesus Hitler Christ is your mom a whore!"

" that was my last fucking beer, Jesus
Hitler Christ , Gary, you fucking cunt!!"

by yojimbo1974 December 28, 2007

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rotting christ

Another wussy black metal band trying to be true.

Related bands - Cradle of flith, Children of Bodom, Hectate Enthroned.

Bands you SHOULD listen too so that you don't sound like a wuss - Mayhem, Emperor, Burzum (old stuff), Satyricon, Impaled Nazarene.

Untrue metalhead: ZOMG, Rotting Christ is so good.

Norsk svart metallkriger: Shut up you piece of trash, Immortal is better.

Norsk svart metallkriger = roughly translates too: Norweigan black metal warrior

by Strange Old Brew August 25, 2005

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Christ (Deemed to be) University

The act of torturing someone to an extent that they are more afraid of you than death

Bro, Hitler pulled such a Christ (Deemed to be) University on Jewish people.

by Koolkoolaid March 28, 2020

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