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clout master

To be in control .... of MANY things at one time

My connection with my Higher Power enables me to be in control of all the particular and valuable components .. Love / Hate , Family , Health, and Mindset .... are why I am Clout Master

by InventArt January 19, 2019

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

clout farming

When someone uses social media or their influence good or bad to gather people to their way of thinking.

Bri is always clout farming on TikTok. The conservative is clout farming.

by Jvoice December 6, 2021

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

clout thot

A person who does things for clout.

You see that bitch Jessica in those true religion jeans?
Yeah bro, she’s such a clout thot

by Rve October 18, 2017

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Clout God

Someone who does the extraordinary, or something that’s never been done before. Each stunt gives you points depending on the level of crazy the stunt is

Juan Valles just pulled a crossover on Noah Toadacheenie and dunked all over him. That’s massive clout god points for that stunt!

by JVcl0uT6od March 3, 2018

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clout vision

When you predict that something which isn't popular will become poplular

I knew Mr Beast would become popular bro, I got clout vision

by CyberLag December 27, 2019

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Clout Goggles

1) Clout Goggles are a utensil used to cover the eyes, so the identity of the Male isn't revealed when he shoves his giant erect penis up your asshole without your consent.

2) The secret to receiving quality vaginal exercises.

1) That girl doesn't think I'm cute, better go get my Clout Goggles

2) I exercised that bit' 'cos she liked my Clout Goggles

by zarkworlur January 25, 2018

42πŸ‘ 82πŸ‘Ž


Money, sometimes power. Tends to lead to the attraction of the opposite sex.

That nigga Bailey had crazy clout. All the bitches wanted to ride with him

by Clap back szn July 27, 2017

40πŸ‘ 1703πŸ‘Ž