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A person who used to be my friend and then turned out to be the worst friend the second year of our friendship. She was nice and then started hanging out with some different people and now she is a acting like patrick start. No one likes her attitude but she is pretty change yourself back please!

Do you Know Emma? No I never heard of her who's that?

by That One Kid!!! November 25, 2019


Shes annoying, mean and probably moved from South Africa

"Whos that?" "Oh. Its just Emma."

by artsyname October 30, 2019


Emma is an annoying blue haired bitch who doesn’t know what humor is

Emma: hey
You: shut up Emma, you dumb fat bitch

by CletusTheMeanest September 21, 2021


The most annoying person u will ever meet. She always is usually a nerd and likes marvel and Harry Potter and shit.

Emma: OMG did u see the new marvel movie!!!
Boy:piss off

by Xave69daddy September 17, 2021


The most basic name this world has to offer

Boy 1: Whats her name again?
Boy 2: Emma
Boy 1: Wow so basic

by give me your cookies June 14, 2021


Emma is a person named Emma... 🤯

Emma: My name is Emma.
Person: Woah! Are you a person named Emma?
Emma: Uhh... Yah how did you know?

by RectangleAddi November 5, 2019


She is a amazing beautiful girl she is funny kind if u have one don’t let her go ily emma❤️

Emma is beautiful

by Ethan u December 2, 2018