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henry fu

a ugly hoe
no smersh

that guy is such a henry fu!

by Stormmmmmm January 25, 2018

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Snipe Fu

The genre of any movie staring Wesley Snipes.

Did you see how fast he kicked that guy's ass? What another classic snipe fu movie!

by Jonofuf November 23, 2008

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Negatively defined by the 1940s.

40s Jews couldn't Jew-fu. They would still be with us if they could. Would jew?

by IntelligenceAndLove February 10, 2017

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FU Beaker

Something you say to Beaker, to which the appropriate response is "huh? w/e"

Person: FU Beaker!
Beaker: huh? w/e

by immzilla June 5, 2007

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kung fu

Part of one of the dumbest lines, from one of the dumbest movies, the matrix. Use it if you are trying to mock the fake, Hollywood "kung fu" that Keanu Reeves appears to learn. Alternate use: to mock Keanu Reeves in general.

"I know kung fu." - Neo in the Matrix

by Dain December 10, 2004

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kung fu

Best damn NES game ever created, you take on midgets, pink guys who like to hug you, and dudes in blue who through shit at you, not to mention you can kick dragons in the face. the son of a bitch boss will laugh at you if you don't beat him though.

I played Kung Fu on an emulator last night, it was fuckin sweet.

by thebrosef May 17, 2007

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a girls belly that sticks out farther than her belt when they are standing up. also look under flop-da

oh my god Look at her fu-pa!

by pooter April 6, 2005

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