A redneck chick who has no sense.
You're nothing but a Hillbilly Cunt!
Peppermint Schnapps. Hillbillies can't brush what's left of their teeth so a quick rinse with the peppermint schnapps does the trick.
Cletus got ready for his date by drinking 3 shots of Hillbilly Toothpaste.
That one friend who is country at heart but is very progressive in his beliefs.
Yo that kid Luke from brick house is such a hillbilly dan
A fairly large population of rednecks in Backwoods people reside in the state of Arizona granted we are the South, Picacho Peak was tied to the civil war , being it was Arizona's only battle. Any Which Way nearly 56% of Arizona's population happens to be Hillbillies and actually being a Hillbilly is not a bad thing ,so all you folks out there that think they're bad Backwoods animals you're gravely mistaken. The fact is they're quite intelligent utilizing the land for their best benefits in productivity such as if someone has a bunch of debris and garbage in the backyard well what you do you profit off of it somehow someway and have garage sales or yard sales are you planning a garden in your property and grow the food or you raise chickens and have them run through your house and then when you're ready to eat them ,well then kill them whatever way you have to find fit to survive is one way of looking at it
The actual true definition for an Arizona Hillbilly is any such folks that participate in continued meth use and actively involve themselves in hoarding and staying awake and engaging in crazy sex to mention a few of the countless hobby's of an Arizona Hillbilly.
Hillbilly turntable: it’s a carnival game, where you put three guys back to back to back inside of barrel, and hang their penises out of three pre-drilled holes. You paint the penises three different colors and choose which coloured penis you want to point at the prize wall where all the prizes hang. You grab a hold of the first penis spin the barrel on a turntable grab a hold of the second penis, give it another spin, grab the third penis and give it an even harder spin, and then when the barrel finally comes to a stop you have to hope that the coloured penis you chose points at the prize wall. If the penis colour you chose is pointing away from the wall then you have to suck off both of the other two penises because you lost the game. You can’t stop sucking until the paint comes off the cock.
Tyler: “oh man, the fair is in town and I really hope that I don’t have to suck those two cocks again. I hate losing when I play the Hillbilly turntable.”
a place where one stores food and beverages during below-freezing temperatures; typically a porch, balcony, patio, or deck
I didn't have any more room in my refrigerator, so I put the beers out in the hillbilly fridge.
Body part used to navigate a motor vehicle with while changing radio station or conduction an imaginary orchestra.
" I use this har hillbilly knee to drives to the licker store for my's beverages".