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a bit of allright

old school austalian phrase meaning someone or something that is either grouse, the hottest thing since promite on toast. this is the best phrase to describe someone sexy.

oi, check out that ogre, she's a bit of allright, i wouldn't mind putting one through her.

by pwcca October 20, 2004

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bit by a donkey

Having a hangover after getting drunk on cheap, low quality booze.

I stayed home from work because I got bit by a donkey

by Wordsmythe420 June 9, 2009

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eco bits

Small yet valuable items that are found on the island of Yap. Discoved by Tinstaafl the Great in the year 1664. Eco bits can be used for many things including currancy, flavoring, and world peace.

EX1: "I just shipped in some fine eco bits from Yap, You wanna buy some?"
EX2: "I sprinkled some eco bits into the food last night, it was mind blowing"

by A Real Free Lunch April 28, 2008

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Funny Bit

A piece of gristle, cartilage, bone, or other unexpected, inedible animal part hidden inside of burrito, sandwich, pie, or stew.

My turkey sandwich had a funny bit in it that looked like meat with a ripcord.

by Weezie13 May 4, 2007

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cougar bits

the prey of the urban cougar (i.e. a mature woman who explores a predilection for younger men). typically a male in his late teens to mid 20's. synonym(s): bobcat

Paul: "Dude, Susie 30-something over there is totally looking at you like cougar bits."

Alex: "Well, I am pretty tasty. I HEART COUGARS!"

by Cashmoneyrolls May 23, 2007

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tiggest bits

Large jumbo sized boobies!!!!

Damn that girl has the TIGGEST BITS!!!

Variations: I bet George loves those tig 'ol bitties!!!

by MUVS September 28, 2005

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bit bucket

Where the internet goes to die.

My packets keep riding the tubes right into the ol' bit bucket. God rest their little souls.

by Mr. WAT May 1, 2008

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