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Closet Furry

Someone who just REALLY enjoyed Warrior Cats as a kid.

I never realized Cornelius had been a Closet Furry until now.

by ItsBeanin December 29, 2022

5👍 2👎

Closeted Weirdo

When you try to dress/act/be "normal" to conceal your weirdness in order to cope with the prejudices of society (because being weird is socially unexceptable, especially in most southern regions of the United States where individuality is not appreciated and in some cases, feared. And of course, not to forget, the American high school where these principles take on different vicious form themselves.) These factors tend to lead to the oppressed seeking an outlet for coping with these injustices of our society. However promising this way coping with the oppression of weirdos may seem in the beginning, this strategy tends to leave the closeted feeling empty, cronically depressed, and even more oppressed as anger starts to emerge.

Teen #1: Hey, you know Madison, there is reason to suspect that she is a closeted weirdo.
Teen #2: How come?
Teen #1: Behind that "normal" façade of hers, probably lies a really unique and interesting person.

Teen #2: Nah, she's just as plasticas the rest of us. She's probably just another basic bitch.

Teen #2: Fine, suit your self.

by Closeted Weirdo March 11, 2015

closeted coward

Someone who is secretly a coward, but puts up a brave front until trouble appears.
Doesn't want to admit they are scared of a lot of things. The term goes a bit deeper into their personality than being just a "pussy" or "wuss"

Jake: Wow! That guy Shane is so cool! He said he'd take on those bullies head on!
Ashley: He says that all the time. He's actually a closeted coward. Once those bullies show up he'll run screaming.

by frostiewow July 6, 2015

Closet Troll

A person who seems like a nice, quiet person, but is really a troll when online. They act sweet and innocent in person, but their secret hobby is trolling.

Hey man, did you know Suzy was such a closet troll? Yeah, she seems so nice and quiet at school, but she totally trolls online.

Wow, you're so nice around people, but I've seen some of your comments. You're such a closet troll!

by Daniellescookie November 27, 2011

closet candy

a closeted gay,lesbian, bi person who is a sexual partner of an openly gay, lesbian, bi person

Jim was out and proud, but he didn't have a real boyfriend. He would just have sex in the bathroom with some closet candy he met at the school.

Tom wasn't out yet, but he did manage to garner some sexual experience by being Jim's closet candy.

by chickenbiscuit3000 July 6, 2010

Closet Doug

a secret competitive eater

Bob looked at the pile of brownies he was tempted to devour and realized he was a closet doug.

by Team Incredibly Awesome April 14, 2011

closet fuckboy

someone who looks like a gentleman but is actually a fuckboy

"that guy looks really nice"
"hes not he is really closet fuckboy"

by sophies sh*t November 27, 2016