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That stupid thing your heart does when it won't listen to your brain yelling at it to shut up.

love is illogical.

by stuckonnatali February 7, 2011

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Love is a complicated thing; It can start out as lusting after appearance or infatuation or adoration, yet can evolve into real love if two people continue to make the effort to make progress in getting to understand each other.

Love is a feeling that eats away at us if we don't have healthy self-esteem and the one we love isn't honest with us or with themselves.

Infatuation is like having a crush and ignoring the person's flaws and acting dreamy
Lust is where you mainly go after a person for their body
Love is where you accept a person for who they are, regardless of flaws, personality, or interests

by Tanuma July 26, 2010

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a word that guys use over and over. so they can get into girls pants.

i love you ...but not really.

by groolness September 18, 2005

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1)being morons together
2)the most noble dementia

I don't think you need an example

by Sun Tzu July 22, 2005

161๐Ÿ‘ 114๐Ÿ‘Ž


"Love is that condition in which the happiness of another is conditional to your own." Robert Heinlein from the novel "Stranger in a Strange Land" (1961)

I prefer saying "Love is that condition whereby the happiness of another is essential to your own."

I have yet to see any better definition, and I have been applying this one as an basic test for over 30 years. The definition works.

Basic tests:
1. If another is unhappy and you are happy, you do not love them.
2. If another is unhappy and you cannot be happy because of that, you love them.
3. If you love someone who is happy, you CAN be happy, but your happiness is not essential, important, or required.

by deltamike98 August 3, 2009

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"love is, a homeless guy ... searchin' for treasure in the middle of the rain and finding a bag of gold coins and slowly finding out they're all filled with chocolate and even though he's heartbroken he can't complain cuz he was hungry in the first place." -Bo Burnham

I love you.

by itisathing October 25, 2015

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Is such a wonderful feeling can make you do silly things it's a gift in life many are only blessed to have a few times in their lives. It's in the moments you share with someone or the memory you have.


by ... Zjdbckdnznsjd August 19, 2020

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