Spontaneous utterance when an intrusive web pop up intrudes on an important meeting. Common with natives of Alabama. Usually paired with dramatic closure of a laptop.
A person that is always right. Person that dislikes being mistaken for Chinese but especially Japanese. All in all, they are the best Asians of them all. Do not ever call them oriental. They don't like sushi. Japanese do. Koreans are not very fond of dirty knees.
Guy: Hey, so let me guess what you are.
Girl: OK. What am I?
Guy: Oriental. Haha, jk. Ur Chinese.
Girl: (fake laugh) Close. I'm Korean.
Guy: Same thing.
Girl: (hates people forever)
Koreans are reason why are you on 26 losing streak in league of legends.
Also as science says its actually impossible to win against Korean players either its a match or 1v1 or aram
it really doesnt matter.
P1: Hey man wanna play some league?
DepressedPerson2: No man this Koreans rape me every game
When a Korean man promises that he will put it in the vagina, but puts it in the butt.
When a unconscious body gets jizzed on his or her lips and as the sperm gets sticky you stick pubic hairs to them.
Oh hey I just gave Mandy a Korean filet miñon
When you shoot your load on an Asians face so hard it corrects her teeth
Bruh, I smashed Fook Yu last night… finished with the ole Korean Street Sweeper… her smile says it all
When the thought of hunger is so overwhelming, you consider just for a moment that the flesh of man/woman wouldn't be so bad. In turn, causing one to commit the act of cannibalism. Usually used ironically when someone is so hungry. It's the new way to say "I'm so hungry I could eat a horse."
The people at Terminus were so hungry, they had a North Korean Barbecue.
"I'm so hungry that a North Korean bbq wouldn't be a bad idea." Said Negan