Source Code

bung lung

The result of inhaling a fart. Not to be confused with the Cambodian city.

Dude, you farted so bad I got bung lung.

by cinamin rainbow November 3, 2010

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Lung Biscuit


Have you got a lighter? I'm just going pop outside and have a lung biscuit

by barrybuckle September 9, 2009

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cobra lung

when a fine ass broad be deepthroatin a big black dick so good that it go down in her lung

damn clarence, look at dat white bitch meredith cobra lung gunnin darryl.. daaaaaaaaaamn

by yaboyshamique June 25, 2008

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Blunt Lung

The state the lungs go into after coughing from a blunt. Once the inital hits have been taken and the lungs become used to the harsh smoke, they begin to harden up and become used to the blunt smoke.

Tyler- Man those first ones were intense but once my blunt lung activated I powered through 3 blunts.

by FreezyFreeze September 9, 2010

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iron lung

A groupe of gnar gnar skiiers and snowboarders that shred the east coast... yes we are your heros!

Woah.. the iron lung kids are soo sick!

by j-money January 10, 2005

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Green Lung

disease caused by smoking out of tin foil.

Tom got sum nasty Green Lung from smoking too much crack out of tin foil.

by BAMFbitch February 25, 2014

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black lungs

something said by drunken people at a party

after drinkin vodka and wiskey the druken person will collapse in to a state of crying because everyone is gonna die from smoking.

also wen trying to impress some one the phrase "i have a big attitude" should be avoided

by thats a secret June 16, 2003

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