The preferred mobile provider of child pornographers nationwide.
Did you hear that Jerry Sandusky and Jared Fogle both used Mint Mobile to send kiddie porn?
A transgender person who has not yet made the change
A man wants to be a woman aka a mint mixer
“Focking mint” is typically used to remark on a less than desirable situation or lifestyle
Lucy: Greg you have school today
Greg: that’s focking mint
Greg: Lucy’s messy car- focking mint!
Lucy: who’s fault is that?
Instead of peppermints, the bar has a bowl of Jersey mints to encourage responsible porking.
When a guy puts mint toothpaste on his boner, and brushes someone's teeth with it.
After eating that poppy seed bagel, I had to give her a mint crinkle to get cleaned up.
This is the term used when someone gives you an insult and a compliment in the same sentence. Salty comes from inSULT and mint comes from compliMENT.
"Wow! That's the most interesting thing you've ever said to me"
"You just gave me a salty mint, sir"
-Its a compliment because you like the thing they just said but also a insult because everything they said before is terrible.
When you go down on the clit with minty fresh breath
“Damn babe can you mint-bean me again?”, “Yeah hold on let me pop some Tic Tacs.”