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Shuffle Shitlist

(n). the list of songs that you meant to delete, but are still on your ipod from who knows when. songs on the shuffle shitlist serve as a form of embarrassment when your ipod is played on shuffle in front of your homies.

Guy #1:Dude, why do you still have "Like A Slave" on your ipod?
Guy#2: My bad bro, that song is on my shuffle shitlist.

by RKOWALSKI January 15, 2009

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Buddha Shuffle

An unusual form of walking often performed by people that sag their pants. The shuffle allows the pants to remain on the legs without falling off. The performer of the Buddha shuffle pivots his/her body along the axis of each leg while keeping their arms locked to the side of the legs

Alternately, the performer of the Buddha shuffle can sing the lyrics "Buddha Buddha Buddha Buddha, Rockin' Everywheya. This adds to the effect of the shuffle.

Buddha Shuffler - "Buddha Buddha Buddha Rockin' Everywheya"

On Looker 1 - What is that guy doin'?

On Looker 2 - Oh, That's just the Buddha Shuffle, It keeps his pants from falling down

On Looker 1 - Oh, ok then.

by Bile2 February 21, 2010

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crackhead shuffle

The distinctive herky-jerky gait of a crackhead. Usually both sad and hilarious at the same time.

Tyrone was high on crack and doing the crackhead shuffle down to the Presidio Liquor store to buy some newports and jokers.

by Lou Stenspayce December 25, 2003

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iPod shuffle

The iPod that fits 150 songs, the rule is you either love it or shove it.

Person 1: I just got an iPod shuffle!
Person 2: Cool! I just got an iPod nano

**Person 1&2 used their iPods together to battle monsters and bad guys and didn't give a crap if their mp3 players were different**

by **yourr.loverr** April 15, 2006

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Mormon shuffle

What one sees almost as soon as they drive into a major Utah town, especially Salt Lake City. It consists of a bunch of Mormon mothers and irritated drivers from out of state swapping lanes with no turn signal or warning. This causes immense traffic jams, that clear up two times a day for ten minutes. Should one happen to be behind a Mormon about to contribute to the Mormon shuffle, it is customary to try not to flip them off, even though 50% of the time they will flip you off for being behind them. The only way to escape the Mormon shuffle is to not drive in Salt Lake City or other major Utah cities.

Oh man, we're going to have to brave the Mormon shuffle to get to Macy's today kids. Better bring some extra movies.

by Tyler Lake August 21, 2007

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Brummie Shuffle

When someone tells you something is ready and it is not - so you end up shuffling back to where they called you from. However eventually when you do the Brummie shuffle back the goods are worth it.

guy 1 "Yo come here and check this out!"
guy 2 "OK"
guy 1 "Oh shit its not ready"
guy 2 "bloody hell i did a brummie shuffle for nothing"
guy 1 "It will be better next time"

by shufflerfromdablackcountry March 10, 2012

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ipod shuffle

Another ingenious creation by Apple.

About the size of a pack of gum, the iPod Shuffle holds up to 240 songs for much more reasonable price than the other, more expensive iPods (iPod Video, iPod Nano, iPod mini, etc.). With one simple slide, one can program the iPod Shuffle to play straight through or play songs in random order. Indeed, the iPod Shuffle is by far the eaiest mp3 player to operate. And when it comes down to it, they're just plain cute.

iPod Shuffles sell for $99.

Joey: The other iPods may have fancier features, but I like my iPod Shuffle.
Merideth: Yeah, plus,I was able to pay for it myself with my money from my after-school job at Dairy Queen.

by AbbyhasaniPodShuffle February 12, 2006

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