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Homoromantic Pansexual

A person who is sexually attracted to all people regardless of gender or lack thereof, but is only emotionally/romantically attracted to individuals of the same gender.

"Naomi is a homoromantic pansexual. She's screwed Dylan and that transwoman Denise, but she only wants to date girls!"

by SammyScreamsRawr June 7, 2012

52πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

Pansexual Anthem

Everybody talks is the Pansexual Anthem
They song is by Neon Trees

Person a: Are you sweater weather or girl in red?
Person b: I’m more Everybody talks
Person a: Ohh okay cool :D
Person c: I didn’t know there was a Pansexual Anthem

by Froggo_In_The_Bathroom July 6, 2022


a different word for bisexual. Someone who is bisexual, but thinks there are more than 2 genders, so it must be called pan instead so as not to offend anyone else or themselves. In other words, a faggot’s faggot.

That pansexual will even have sexy with a super-nonconforming hyper-spiritualistic angel food gender. But it was born with a penis so it’s a male.

See also: gender dysphoria

by KillRacism April 9, 2021

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Pansexual is being interested regardless of gender identity or biological sex.

Basically it's Bisexual but as a synonym.

Tom: what's your sexuality?
Sarah: i'm a pansexual
Tom: so basically a bisexual
Sarah: yes

by Something_New July 19, 2020

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Pansexual is not just liking 2 genders, but also liking non-binary, gender queer, ect. Pansexual is NOT Bisexual. Bisexual is liking one gender, but also liking another gender more. Pansexual is liking all genders equally.

I'm pansexual, I like all genders.

by Icyamazing24 March 9, 2020

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Pansexual and Transgender

Me :)

I am Pansexual and Transgender

by long words February 21, 2021

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pansexual poptart

The most amazing and ultimate comeback u can ever say to someone. The most elegant way of calling someone beneath you, annoying, or stupid overall.

sophia- β€œyour stupid”
me- shut up u pansexual poptart”

by austin comire July 25, 2019

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