Being waifu pilled means you don't take an interest in real women you just love anime girls
Dexter rejected sophie because hes in love with Zero Two, hes very waifu pilled
erectile dysfunction medication
Dildo pill enhance penile erections.
Taking/ eating a pill also known as popping
Yo Sanjay tonight I'm dropping a pill
Essentially when you are acting like a chad but only the part where you are acting like a chad, not the part where he did inexcusable things to women.
One of the top 3 pills along with "Joker Pilled" and "Vee Pilled"
Bro, you were so "Genghis Pilled" earlier when you were so chadly.
This term has 2 meanings:
1) Used as a come-back when someone is tryng to find an excuse for not doing something that would require little-to-no effort.
2) Similar to that of the placebo effect, these "hard pills" give confidence to someone lacking it (usually an ugly/shy male)
Person 1: What are you up to?
Person 2 : I'm going for a walk...
Person 1: Why don't you take some "Hard Pills" and go for a run?
Male 1: Man shes hot!!
Male 2: Go and talk to her...
Male 1: Nah... shes not my type.
Male 2: Why don't you just suck it up, take some hard pills, and go talk to her.
The actual realization that no other pill color has the real answers, and people are just making up bullshit to feel better.
Man A: Bruh, have you taken the blue pill already?
Man G: What are you saying? You do realize that this is another form of tribalism, right? Having an us versus them mentality only divides us further. Why do you want to do that to yourself?
Man A: I'm not doing it! They're doing it! I'm just waking up to reality! They're the ones who created a world of where I'm not wanted! That's why I've swallowed the black pill.
Man G: So what you're saying is that they have something against you. But we are all responsible for how we interpret the world around ourselves, it can be negative or positive. It can be influenced by some people who agree with us, feeding into how we feel, proving that we are not being treated fairly by others. But that is a double-edged sword, because when you create a tribe of us versus them, then you create room for other people's negative ideas to live inside your mind. Negative ideas that fester and spread, corrupting and weakening you until you are emotionally dead and numb inside. Is that right?
Man A: I hadn't thought of it that way before.
Man G: We are all responsible for our own thoughts, when we give allegiance to some other group or tribe we are surrendering our own rights to them. You don't strike me as someone who wants to give up their rights to some group, are you?
Man A: No. No, I'm not.
Man G: That's good.
Man A: Ya know, if I had to, I would say that this is being Gray Pilled. (Heh.)
Man G: (Laughs) That's funny.
Prescription or over-the-counter pills that are used for self-medication purposes.
"I have a jar labeled 'fun pills' for when I'm particularly anxious."