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it's raining guavas

1. full-on, unmitigated bullshit.
2. to be inundated with bullshit.
3. the act of being bullshat.

syn. - guavenous.

"I got hit with a blue shell, then two green shells, knocking me off the course on Wario Stadium -- then Lakitu put me back down on the course right onto a big banana, and then Baby Luigi's chain chomp knocked me off the course a SECOND time!! It's raining guavas!!! I'm never playing this game again!

by The Dandy April 11, 2004

6๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

It's raining bones

When you and your super sexy partner are hard and wet at the same time, respectively.

Hey hun it's raining bones?

Yeah...how'd you know?

Lets go get some bbq and get busy ;) ;)

by airman September 23, 2013

Rain Train

Call of Duty zombies where you make a whole bunch of zombies chase you and then you shoot them.

oh my god Josh and Ryan are gonna get rain trained

by Starfire4206969 January 10, 2021

Raining dogshit

From Cantonese "่ฝ็‹—ๅฑŽ", when it is raining so hard that the HKO issued an Amber rainstorm warning (but refuses to issue the red warning until 8am) and you cannot not get wet even at all costs.

Raining cats and dogs
Bucket rain

Waaaaaaaa diu it's raining dogshit outside how am I even supposed to go home

by someone out there who is bored November 10, 2021

rain sweeper

Someone who's so useless they have been promoted to the title of rain sweeper

That guys a rain sweeper

by mactel October 28, 2020

Rain Dancer

Someone who hides their (usually large) pain via comedy, outgoingness, or being extroverted. I.E. Someone who copes by making people laugh. Dancing in the rain can be used as an expression to say that someone is happy when bad things are happening around them.

I'm really worried for Joey, he's a real rain dancer.

by yourguybib January 6, 2021


A person who likes cock and ball touture

Damn that's a cute rain-raptor

by Spongebobsquareass November 10, 2019