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Right Here!

a derogatory expression, usually put at the end of a sentence, but can also be used alone. One often uses this expression while grabbing his genitals. However, without this gesture, it can be used to inconspicuously insult another person, or to cover up when accidentally caught using it in the direct manner. You can be creative with it!

Nagging Wife: "I need you to make a run to Target and get a few things for me."
Husband: "Yea, right. I got your target RIGHT HERE!" (w/gesture)

"Sure you can have some of my beer, and if you need anything else, help will be RIGHT HERE." (w/out gesture)

Direct with Cover-Up-
Jerk: "Get a real job!"
Richard: "Psh, RIGHT HERE!" (w/gesture)
Richard: "I said I got a real job RIGHT HERE!" (w/out gesture)

by Devin (originated by my friend Richard) August 22, 2007

29๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Das Right

Said when there is something to be happy or excited about.

Guy 1:
"There are so many hot chicks at the party tonight!"
Guy 2:
"Das Right!"

by Baller_and_a_Half March 24, 2015

29๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

that ain't right

A consolation for: when something bad happens that affects you or others; when something terribly wrong occurs when it wasn't supposed to

We re-elected Bush? That ain't right.

by a stranger September 2, 2005

19๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

getting right

Getting right is the act of someone getting another person to like them as a couple

Yo, I think Iโ€™m getting right with this girl Rachel

by Magicmessi February 7, 2018

24๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

far right

Anyone to the right of Stalin. This is a descriptor used to describe anyone that opposes authoritarianism, technocracy, serfdom, censorship, and forced collectivization. It is also used as a projection against non-communist authoritarians, who are often themselves worshippers of the State. Most commonly used by televised, legacy news, and Wikipedia.

Pinochet was a far right dictator.

by Doge 2.0 January 3, 2022

210๐Ÿ‘ 72๐Ÿ‘Ž

gay rights

The civil rights that individuals and married couples have that those in the homosexual community don't have. These include the legalization of gay marriage, the same rights to said act that heterosexuals receive, (such as tax exemptions and benefits) and the right to be in public without being frowned upon.

Although homosexuals have been fighting for these rights since the late 1800s, the issue never received nearly as much publicity until around the 2004 election when Congress gave the states the right to choose their view on this issue.

Democrats and liberals feel that these individuals deserve the same rights that all of us have because we are all human, the Constitution says "All men are created equal," and that we practically did the same thing with the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s and 60s. Republicans, conservatives, and many Christian groups feel that homosexuals should not be given the same rights for various reasons including their own thoughts that homosexuality is a disease or mental illness, that it has no social benefit, (i.e. impossible to bear children) and that the Bible doesn't allow it (see Leviticus 18:22). There have been many arguments about these issues which have also brought into question where to draw the line between the Seperation of Church and State.

I tried to make this definition as unbiased as possible without giving away much about my political party preference and/or my stand on this issue.

by Matt August 7, 2005

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fucken rights

A Positive response to a question or statement

Statement: Let's go get some hookers and blow!

Response: Fucken Rights

by Tester_LMc August 14, 2006

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