Hand to hand combat using body shots only; usually with a homie not an enemy
Yo you trynna run bodies right now?
Take only one sip of a joint, then run away
Hippie: Would you like a joint
Allard: *Takes a Sip and Runs away
Hippie2: Did he just Paf and Run?
to run around with no shirts on, usually done when drunk
lets go for a quack run
Driving a long distance as fast as possible while making as few stops as possible. Derived from Lisa Nowak's famous journey halfway across the United States.
My final exam was at one, so I had to make a diaper run back to school. It only took me eight hours!
when something can't happen, or is unacceptable to, in roadmap terms.
mate1: sally kissed johhny and dylan at last nights party!
mate 2: no, i want her for myself, that can't run.
Running referred to as drinking and zebra referred to as booze, running with the zebra simply means getting drunk. Being exhausted from running with the zebra means drunk. If some one cannot keep up with the zebra it means they are a pussy.
Poaching the zebra means buying the booze.
1. Yo bro my parents aren't home tonight, I think we should run with the zebra.
2. Since we are not 21, I can get my older brother to poach the zebra.
3. Im exhausted from running with the zebra, I cant even think straight, but Da was being a pussy and couldnt keep up with the zebra.
a car ride soley used to get high, most likely the car is hot boxed and it ends up at a fast food restaurant; just smokin and ridin
D picked us up cause we had a half ounce and we went on a 2 hour burn run.
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