The place where only people with steeze can enter, yet racers somehow always get in
The domain of park rats and jib ninjas, cigarettes, discarded beer cans, butters and rotations.
My buddy and I went park skiing yesterday, but got so wasted they kicked us off the mountain.
Ughh, those annoying ass racers destroyed all the groomed snow before I could go Park Skiing.
a woman manually stimulates two men at the same time while sitting in between them.
The brothers paid the hooker extra to ski cat them.
Created by Benji Taylor aka B-Different on September 10th, 2021. G-Ski is a word able to be used when you want to call someone "Broksi", but letting them know they are gangsters as f**K by also calling them a "G". A perfect combo between "My G" and "Broski".
"Say Nuttin, G-Ski..."
"Waguan, G-Ski, what you sayin!?"
"Nah that's my, G-Ski, innit!"
Just a little bit left of something
I just have a ski taste of cologne left in my bottle.
When you are feeling an incredible high but also relief
When you do the perfect amount of cocaine, you're all jacked up but you're in that comfort zone where you know your heart isn't going to explode. I like to call that skiing with dynamite
Chin skiing is when a girl is riding a guys chin during foreplay
Snooks was chin skiing on Sebastian last night and she loved it.
Table skiing is the act of snorting two lines of cocaine in quick succession
Hey dawg I got 4 lines, we can both table ski and take shots.