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james bond has the max skill i can't even explain bro...

Dude 1: "Have you seen the new James Bond film? He has such skill!"

Dude 2: "I don't really like James Bond I think he's too over-rated."
Dude 3: "Dude's, use electric bolt on Dude 2!"

by KingOfCHEEESE November 15, 2022


Something I don't have

I don't have any skills

by MoisesTheSocialDemocrat July 25, 2020


Serial kill
Skiller-n. A serial killer
Skilling-v. Serial killing
Skillite-n. A person or persons that practice the art of skilling
Skilled-v. Someone or something that was skilled

Yo, I'm totally going to skill that whole family tomorrow night after the seance. Anyone else in?

by Skillers Anonymous November 2, 2011


smth you learn in the mental hospital to distract yourself from shit or to destress or smth like for example smth really minty that makes you forget you ever wanted to self harm

my therapist: hey ----, you still using the skills you learned in the mental hospital
me: yeah i am they actually help

by Mars.yesliketheplanet December 11, 2022


Anything non grocery related in a store for example, stationary

I'm just going to look at the skills aisle

by Banter Girl February 2, 2020

shit skilled

One having no skill in the activity.

One having slower abilities than normal in learning information.

Damn, shit skilled you forgot the finished product.

by zestor August 30, 2006


To have an opportunity to have unexpected positive experiences due either to hard work or high natural ability.

You think studying abroad just fell in her lap? She's been studying since she was a fetus. Plus, her parents are Rhoads Scholars and Pulitzer winners. She's lucky-skilled.

by nomnom-cake March 4, 2011