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Complimentary Tap

Noun. Complimentary Tap can be defined as having sex with a women that would not normally suit your scale of standards.

Alright dude, I'll give her the complimentary tap so you could get some nice poonani.

by Vinn3h84 August 1, 2010

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Tap it for stats

some hoe that you would root just for the sake of getting a root. ie pretty average but rootable.

Q. What do you think of that broad bro?
A. Yeah i'd tap it for stats

by unwritten law March 19, 2004

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Somalian tap

Upon ejaculation inside the rectum, the seminal fluid mixed with the fecal matter proceeds to slowly drip out of the anus, similar to that of a Somalian tap

Dude her ass was dripping like a Somalian tap

by faggotjoe April 19, 2016

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this is spinal tap

U FOOL spinal tap is a ROCKumaentary (rocking documentary) AS WELL AS MOCKumentary (mock documantary) ANYWAY...Spinal tap is BRILLIANT! meat too big for the sandwich, cucumbers in tin foil in the pants....remote guitar amps that pick up airline signals, a gig at a puppet show, a 3 piece guitar solo.From the 18 inch stonehenge to the amp that goes to 11. pure rock genius....

"Talk about mudflaps, my girl's got 'em")

by heehee July 29, 2004

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pocket tap

When somebody literally puts his hand on another’s pocket in attempt to see what is in it; in order to steal from them.

You gonna let another man pocket tap you?

by JerseyJosh July 16, 2020

Root tap

A flick, thump, or quick strike to the genitals of a relaxed, distracted, or otherwise inattentive male companion.

"Hey, Jake?"
"AUGH You Fucker!"

by Wacky Joker November 5, 2012

Barber Tap

That uncomfortable feeling in the barber chair where the "patient" hands rub up against the barbers genitalia. It can also be the "barber" aggressively slapping an apron on a minor to "tap" his package.

Finally, barber tapping is a popular phenomenon at crowded bars in the Midwest. Particularly hanging out by the girls can.

Ronnie just Barber Tapped me while I was getting my hair cut, time to use a Flobee....

"I just barber tapped Lucy on her way to the can, did she get implants?"

by Donkeyboy32 October 7, 2014