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dog tax

When a person posts a photo of a dog in an online community such as Dogspotting Society in order to meet the requirements that a post must be about dogs and the common interpretation that posts must feature a photo of a dog. That is, the photo provides a tax (or more, a fee) to solicit the attention and responses of the community.

Often, the photo included is not related to the request or comment made in the post.

See also cat tax which may be posted in Catspotting Society although there are no such content rules in Catspotting Society because we really cannot be bothered, please scritch behind the left ear, thanks.

Example: "I'm thinking about getting an Ibizan Hound for my next dog. Please show me all your long bois and their many elbows and tell me about them! I'm including my Shar Pei Noodle for dog tax photo of Noodle attached.

by allthetoes April 19, 2018

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Stupid Tax

A fine for a dumb mistake or failure to act.

I forgot to pay my credit card bill on time, so now I have to pay the $35 stupid tax.

by toddc May 11, 2008

81๐Ÿ‘ 42๐Ÿ‘Ž

ass tax

Slang for getting a little. Usually used in boasting form amongst friends.

"You tapped that yet?"
"Naw, but I am going to levy an ass tax on her tonight."

I am going to levy an ass tax on that hottie in the corner.

by WillC23 February 20, 2004

17๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Teeth tax

Extra money you have to spend to fix, replace, upgrade etc. because of a pet's destructive teeth
Teeth tax is commonly needed when owners have a dog that rips up its toys and you have to get the kind of toys that aren't easily destroyed, the extra money needed for these "high quality" toys, is Teeth tax

Another reason you'd need to pay teeth tax is when a pet chews up a personal belonging and it needs to be replaced

"Dang it! My ferret chewed up his hammock last night, and I'm not in the mood to pay teeth tax to get a new one!"

by Chicago Mj June 21, 2015


That special time of year when parents make up for being too broke to exchange gifts after buying presents for their kids by buying big ticket items with their tax return.

So bill what did your wife get you for Christmas?
Nothing yet, but at Tax-mas I'm getting that new big screen TV.

by ziggyshade January 10, 2017

Tard Tax

Tard Tax: An official tax on "retards". A retard shall defined as A) a person who acts retarded and jackass like. B) a person lacking logical and critical thinking to come to a logical conclusion. C) One who lacks the ability to examine ALL the facts in front of them and realise they have been lied to.

Self explanatory....The more of a tard a person is the more tax shall be imposed on them.

1) "Hey guess what??...Congress thinks the American people are not awake and may impose a tard tax on them".

2) "Ladies and gentlemen of the Senate and House...since the American people are asleep and we can basically rape and plunder, how much of a tard tax shall we impose on the American people??"

by rkmalone July 24, 2010

The tall tax

The 'tall tax' refers to the many inconveniences that a tall person may encounter in their life (whether that be financially or socially).

Most tall people are at a disadvantage financially because when they are on a long journey, they will often have no choice but to pay a premium for extra legroom even though they physically cannot fit in the seat otherwise.

In social situations, if there is a crowd trying to view an event, the tall person will always have to stand at the back because all of the smaller people will complain that they can't see. This is ironic as often the tall person will also not be able to see because they are not giants

Just because I'm tall, doesn't mean that I should have to pay more to sit down. That's the tall tax for you

by Lanky dude April 10, 2019