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Techno Bekos

A rolled cannabis joint which usually comes before the Techno Tapas during techno events

J: Aye, let's go out for a techno bekos and get back when Beyer's out
S: Sorry bro I already am on the tapas

by Beekoos February 20, 2020


1. (singular noun) refers to a motion made in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order via inter-office email

2. (verb) the act of making a techno-motion

(Noun): "She made a techno-motion to reschedule the monthly finance meeting for next Wednesday."

(Verb): "I techno-motion to replace our next casual Friday with a toga party."

by phoenixpoet December 17, 2010

techno junkie

Someone who has the need to do everything with the latest state of the art technology, everything else is slow and not enough.

James is such a techno junkie, he just bought a computer but he's not happy cuz there is a newer model that is faster.

by MrGonzalezJose December 2, 2015

techno tangle

when all of your technological wires get tangled up (iPod Chargers/headphones, memory sticks, cellphone, computer chargers)
all together a bad thing

Kali: are you ready to go?

Bob: no i have to get this techno tangle out of my pocket, too many damn chargers

by princess keti May 16, 2007

Desert Search For Techno Allah

All but the truth - forget
And from this union cup
We will drink wine tonight
Qiyamat qiyamat a tawil
Qiyamat qiyamat insan al kamel
Pride of the peacock angel
Under the feather veils
Dark tresses under the black light

Desert Search For Techno Allah

by Gothic Miscreant October 19, 2023

Techno Spaghetti

A mess of cables often found when allot of electronic equipment is being used, especially found in a poorly maintained 19'' rack cabinet.

Sorry that job took hours, they had a really bad case of techno spaghetti.

by The Burning Phoenix December 29, 2016


A state of tension brought about by performing a technical task for someone who is impatient.

I hate doing computer stuff in his presence - he brings way too much techno-urgency.
Do it yourself! You bring way too much techno-urgency.
Would you back off? Your techno-urgency is unbearable.

by wally9800 December 11, 2020