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skin cancer


what white people (generally women) subject themselves to every time they migrate in large flocks to tanning beds and such

Usually surfaces as a irregular, disgusting moles

*Overly tanned, burnt white woman walks up to a black woman*

White woman: Look, I'm darker than you!

Black woman: True, but at least my color doesn't go away and I won't die of skin cancer, bitch...

by ~Ebony~ March 21, 2007

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Sound of cancer

1. The sound of a Disability choir a tone deaf singer
2. The handicapped student screaming in the hallway

3. When you in Sacarment meeting (Church) and all you hear is crying.

1. All I could hear in that musical was the Sound of cancer.
2. Teacher! Close the classroom door before the Sound of cancer gets louder!

3.I hate church, all I hear is toddlers producing the Sound of cancer

by Dentor February 17, 2020

Cancer Testicle

A pseudonym used for the company “Lancer Tactical” that make airsoft products. The name came about due to the consistent unreliability of their Airsoft guns.

Lancer tacticals are about as reliable at firing as a Cancer Testicle is at nutting, and they both shoot equally far

by TheeScribe May 1, 2020

Moral Cancer

A condition, person or event that attaches to your morality and slowly eats away at it until you eventually become amoral.

Rose was perfectly normal until Shawn turned her on to the Urban Dictionary, now its become her moral cancer.

by 1veryangrybuddhist February 15, 2011

Cancer alert

a channel hosted by a dick head man child in his mid 30s who revolves to bullying teens and claims to be a news channel by putting false information backed by no evidence: slandering multiple youtubers.

YO, we need to get rid of cancer alert cause Keemstar is trying to fuck with grade a under a

by Angels best December 8, 2016

bowel cancer

always in those roblox stories on tik tok with subway surfers in the bg where the persons stomach hurts real bad the shit starts coming out their ass like a damn machine gun and then they act like nothing happened

mia: my stomach really hurts...
doctor: poop in here were gonna take a sample to see whats going on
*shit shooting out like a machine gun*
mia: anyways i have bowel cancer

by ninaur November 17, 2022

Ear cancer

A type of cancer that is caused by listening to nicks music.

I lost my hearing because I contracted ear cancer from listening to nicks playlist

by Zacdastan May 29, 2017