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Canadian Situation

A type of relationship in which one partner suffers because the other is incapable of really dating, or being able to see their significant other due to parental restrictions of time. Comparable to a prison visitation, only harder to schedule and with less vigilance and monitoring.

-Man this Sucks.

-What's wrong man?

-It's just I rarely get to see this girl and she says she likes me but things just stink.

-It's seems like you have crossed the American border into a Canadian Situation on that one.

-Yeah, wish me luck

-Good luck

by Student Body President June 28, 2010

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canadian bidet

When you take a dump in the snow, and have to wipe using snow instead of toilet paper.

Jeff had to take an urban dump yesterday. He had to do a Canadian Bidet

by CaptainCadomin December 20, 2018

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Canadian Napalm

When you microwave Maple Syrup and get 7th degree burns when you spill it on yourself.

Ahhhh! I Canadian Napalmed myself microwaving the pancake syrup.

by muffkin June 28, 2013

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Canadian Hamburger

Canadian Hamburger: When you find yourself sitting in the snow naked and stand up and a little bit of shit comes out

Person 1: Yo bro aren't you cold?

Person 2: Oh shit yeah, I'll stand up.


Person 2: Oh dude It's a Canadian Hamburger

by Jay2233 March 11, 2020

Canadian drive-by

Getting really drunk and throwing snowballs from a car at pedestrians, because guns are dangerous and illegal.

I was hammered last night, so I pulled a Canadian drive-by on some plug in a Habs jersey. Got kicked out of the cab, threw up and pissed myself, but I think I came out on top.

by CanadianHoser November 2, 2011

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canadian baptism

The act of one man ejaculating on another's face, and both mem subsequently apologizing profusely to the other, all occuring in the bathroom of a Tim Horton's.

"My bad man, I was busy all day saturday and missed the canadian baptism, see you at the next one"

by MethLabForCutie October 8, 2017

Snitch Canadian

Snitch Canadian does not have anything wit Canada to do. If you're a Snitch Canadian it means that you're a snitch that doesn't come from where you live at the moment. or in other words, it's a snitch that does not live where he was born.
So if am from America and i go to another country and snitch on people, I am a Snitch Canadian.

(A guy that comes from Australia but lives in the United States that's about to snitch)
An epic guy: Ey bro if you snitch right now you're a Snitch Canadian because you're from Australia but live in America.

by BirkiYeetRice October 16, 2019