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banana llama

When yo walk outside and yo see a llama leaning on a banana

"Oh hello!, look a banana llama!"

by Derek bob November 23, 2015

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Llama Choch

A llama's dirty vagina ; a term also used as a random humorous insult

"Yo watz good llama choch?"

by xsis January 29, 2009

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A Llama with a Hat

A term often used to describe a very funny comedian, actor, etc.

Did you go to the comedy shack last night? that guy was A Llama with a Hat!

by Mr. Jeezy April 22, 2010

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llama kiss

The sexual act of spitting in one another's mouth as a means of sexual gratification

Dude, I hacked up the fatest loogie last night and gave my girl the wettest llama kiss.

by Upgraydude March 8, 2015

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that's so llama

An expression to determine something is as a llama would do i.e. eat hands, kill humans, make meat dragons out of orphan flesh and furniture out of faces.

As invented by Jordan Cowell.

Paul: Omg I can't believe Carl killed all those orphans
Brad: That's so llama!

by Jax Lyger March 1, 2015

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Llama Sauce

An unidentifiable or micellanious substance being used as a sort of sauce (intentionally or not).

Bill woke up on the side of the street. He was hungry, so he grabbed an old hotdog out of the gutter. Their was a little llama sauce oozing out of the bitten part, but he didn't care.

Bill had Syphilis the next day.

by IKinectWithUrGF January 6, 2012

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Stink Llama

When you release your bowels (shit) in a womans mouth, then she proceeds to spit it onto your penis, then suck your shitty dick.

"Dude I love stink llamas!" said Blake "Dude woman are gross" said P-wells

by NoTsTinKhOrNcReAtOr January 17, 2010

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