To swindle your credit card or add extra charges to your purchase. To take your money over the Internet and not send your order.
I got a Hank Lee on my credit card. I got charged twice and the purchase never got shipped.
Hank is a judge and he's Tomsstiles'SSSSS husbannnnd Uh 😅
Let's Love Hank Palmer
The sexiest man in the multiverse.
Oh did hear about Clark Conner Hanks. Dude is a stud.
A Hank Crap is when a person spends a very long time on the toilet.
In Breaking Bad, Hank Schrader was on the toilet for almost a year in between seasons of the show.
"I had Taco Bell last night. I'm Probably gonna take a Hank Crap today"
darker lord hank hill is from YuBs miitopia playthrough and he is easy it just takes 10 teammates
hank hill:oh no i died
Hank hill : Greeks Aztecs and most religions believe in Hank hill
Extremely strong marijuana. Hank Hill is known for his extreme love of propane. Propane is EXTREME marijuana. Not to be confused with: pressure, strong, gas, purp, etc...
Bro Mark smoked that blunt of Hank Hill and stunk up the whole neighborhood