When a male individual is in the action of masturbating, and they all of a sudden ejaculate extremely loud, much like a Trombone.
"hey, I hear edric cums loud as fuck, I like that. He must have a Tromboner"
When a male individual is in the act of masturbating, and then ejaculates extremely loud. This resembles the sound of a Trombone.
"hey, I heard Edric cums loud as fuck, I like that. He must have a Tromboner"
the best instrument in the world also known as the trombone it is long with a slide hense the name
what is that
oh thats a tromboner
oh cool can i play
When a trombonist gets an erection. You generally notice this when a female trombonist walks by
or helps him with his trombone. These tromboners can be used as a nickname for someone or as a word for the actual erection. It just makes sense you know?
(Go trombonists)
Girl 1~ Oh my Jesus! That slut walked past again and bent over in his face
Girl 2~ Awe poor guy, now he has a tromboner
The scientific word for a trombone
James: “Hey did you hear that Sam started playing trombone?”
Keith: “It’s actually called a tromboner”
An erection belonging to a male person playing a trombone or trombone-like instrument.
"I heard that Jeffery got a tromboner in band class at school today."
When one has an extreme fetish for trombones and gets a boner over them.
"Hay yo i have like the worst Tromboner right now.........can you help."