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rocket tipping

The act of stuff drugs in the tip of your penis.
This can be for pleasure or also for storage purposes.
Similar to a Carlsbad Grimple

Damn Jonny is really getting into drugs, I caught that idiot rocket tipping in the stalls at work. It looked like he was packing gunpowder into a musket.

by FryOrDie November 8, 2019

open tip

to have the house to one's self.

what you doing today?
I don't know but i heard Kelly got open tip

by babycakes23 July 4, 2009

14πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


A condition caused by errant pubic hairs, caught in a mans underpants, becoming stuck to the tip of his penis.

Bee: "So, did you go down on him?"

Charl: "Well, almost. But when he dropped his draws, I noticed he had major felt-tip. I was out of there in seconds!"

by Paul William Kemp September 7, 2009

11πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Tip Slip

When the tip of the phallus protrudes through a article of clothing worn in the leg region; When the tip of the penis sticks out of the band of male underwear when they have an erection. Popular examples coined by Daniel Avidan from the popular Youtube channel Game Grumps.

Part 4 of the Bloodborn Walkthrough on Game Grumps (Death Barf) Danny- "My friends and I created a new um, a new ah, term for when you get a boner; but like the top of it comes out of the waistband of your underwear. It's a Tip Slip. (Arin laughs hysterically afterwards)

"Hey man, John just gave a major tip slip in Gym today!"

by Pseudonym of Handles April 9, 2015

11πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Cyclist tipping

When a cyclist stops at a junction or red light and tries to keep balance without placing feet on ground. Very similar to cow tipping, window down and push.

β€œDude, You see him trying to keep balance on peddles........roll down window.......fucking CYCLIST TIPPING is AWESOME!!!! Stupid peddle wanker!!”

by Iwannariot March 14, 2019

11πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

nigger tip

Any tip that is exactly 2 dollars. Usually comes wadded, or crumpled up on a table.

"they just left me 2 on 50!" ....well what do u expect -thats a nigger tip!

by Ryan Freel July 24, 2006

153πŸ‘ 67πŸ‘Ž

put tips on

To give a severe beat down. Usually describes someone who has chunkems.

Carla was talkin trash about Nika's man, so Nika put tips on her after school.

by dezzzz July 29, 2005

21πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž