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tranny jamz

1.Skanky nightwear worn by a woman when she wants to get some; lengerie; bathrobe.

2. Slutty,horny; music that the drag queen thrives herself on.

The drag queen is listening to some tranny jamz.

boy to girl: Wow, those some tranny jamz.
girl to boy: You think so?? hehe..giggles

by igotthedefs February 14, 2009

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ur granny tranny

an insult even worse than ur dad gay. Do not use this unless you want your opponents to die

Jake: why the fuck did you piss on my car?
Me: ur granny tranny
Jake: *explodes*

by RubenFL March 10, 2018

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discord tranny

something /pol/cel uses to call everyone with worldview different to his board's worldview.
This word compund is used indiscriminatedly. Let's say that you're a guy without homosexual or transvetite tendencies and you're stating something against a /pol/cel's wordlview, who are you now to his projection? A discord tranny that needs to go back to your discord server you're apparently in.

1: "I dont like country invading another country"
2: "Get out discord tranny"
3: "Fuck off ZOG shill"

by sutanisuravu May 18, 2022

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ur granny tranny

The only insult that can be used against u dad lesbian and u mom gay combined. It cannot be countered by a no u, and each time it is said, the sun moves closer to Earth by one mile.

Carl: u mom gay and u dad lesbian!
Joe: Don't make me do it.
Carl: Do it pussy
Joe: Ur Granny Tranny
*Carl spontaneously combusts; sun engulfs Mercury*

by Tempestrio March 19, 2018

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german tranny

a german that was once a man now a woman or acts as one alot tends to have blonde hair n blue eyes ...

rob is a german tranny ... errrr yuck!

by you don'tknow August 1, 2006

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Tranny Master

The slayer of all trannies.

One who comes to grips (comes to grips) with thy tranny to hold accountable for faggot actions.

I am the Tranny Master.

by awgjwig March 25, 2011

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Tranny Taint Pouch

The pouch that is surgically grafted to the inside of the leg of a tranny to conceal their penis. This same effect can also be obtained with the use of a piece of material much like a maxi pad that holds the penis tightly to the taint.

I think that girl might be a man, I swear I saw a Tranny Taint Pouch on the inside of her leg!!

by Eyedea May 5, 2012

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