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A fucking retard
Nuff said

Hes got a big dick tho

That guys retarded

No thats just tyler

by Tyler with the big dick October 21, 2019


Is a sexy, fit, cute boy and his mine so girls piss off!

Tyler so sexy and fit he gonna be mine soon

by Dyjuvevhhb December 22, 2019


The best hockey player you will ever meet. He is by far the most athletic friend in the group. He likes to play the field instead of a long term relationship. He always has abs. If you know one you should totally date him.

Wow is that Tyler!?

by hdufhdsh October 24, 2019


Tyler's are great friends they have low intellectual processing power but we cant really hold that against him because Tyler's try there best to help you when your down and if they can't help there great listeners Tyler's also have the tendency to claim to have done things to try to act cool but that's the only negatives to Tyler lets get into some more positives Tyler's are great for dating (but you have to be there type) They are also quick with a joke and can sometimes be too funny which makes you Shat yourself

Hi Tyler hows it going
Good what about you
I'm doing good, Thanks for asking

by Bandit12352 November 3, 2019


tylers are very cute in fact they are probably one of the most attractive people you ever see. they know how to treat a girl. but the bad part about tylers is they lose feeling very very quickly, tylers also move on fast once y’all break up he’s already found a new girlfriend.

woah look at tyler he’s already got a new girl

by thenonlover February 22, 2020


He’s freaky asf

He’s just freaky that’s just who Tyler is”

by Babycheeks1718 May 17, 2022


He has the biggest dick he is an amazing boyfriend he might be a little over PROTECTIVE but he will always be by your side and his penis is soo big it's crazy and you shou of never ever leave him

Tyler is the best dude ever

by Tyler leffall March 1, 2018