a wigger or wigga, is normally a white person who is trying to be ghetto and thuggish. Wiggers are wannabes and annoy the hell out of everybody else. They try to blend in real thugs. Dont be a wigger!
Wigga: what up my niggas!? What it do homie?
Thugs: bitch shut yo stupid ass up be for u hurt yo self. Dumbass wigga!
Black man- sup nigga
White man- nuthin much wigga, sup witchu
Look at that punk ass mo'fo' He's a wigga tryin to be rye when really he's a cracker.
People of Caucasian descent say the N-word
Wassup my wigga! What’s the move today
A wigga is a white person who acts like a real black nigga. Wiggas are most likely already black people who just like pale ass hell. Wigga came from blasians. Wigga has been aroung since August 3rd 2014. If your white and you act black make sure you put #wigga underneath all your pics so your friends and enemies can know.
Lucas: I'm going to cold-water yo ass
Nives: Bish you ain't gone do shit because I'm a wigga.
Lucas: .........
A confused white kid who thinks he is black by trying to talk like black people and wear fubu and fake jewelry. If you put them in a real ghetto or hood they would probably shit themselves. They usually live in the suburbs.
Jacob: wats up mah niggaahhh
Cody: wats good my dawwwgg!!!!
Regular white person: you guys are wiggas