The worse ever bus to be every made in the whole on London. Often referred to as the latey-four because it is never on time.
FFS when is the Bus 84 coming?
one who clings to technology and will fight for it's advancement.
one who loves the bus that they ride on so much that they are willing to hug it, even if it is in motion. this event breaks bus hugger into two sub categories
1)Smart bus hugger:hugs the back of the bus
2)Dumb bus hugger:hugs front of the bus (there are not many of these left as they are all dead or hospitalized)
If she weren't such a bus hugger, we would have more trees in the Amazon.
He put his arms around the headlights, that dumb bus hugger.
A person who likes to masturbate in public, particularly on buses. They are usually creeps and may be a sex offender.
you know that guy that got caught masturbating on the bus? he's gonna be a bus bandit when he grows up!
when one is on the chuckle bus they are filled with contagious laughter without valid reason or cause
dang bro you really on the chuckle bus rn
A person who uses a bus as a way of public transport is immediately referred to as a bus wanker
*scrolls the window down* BUS WANKERS!
To receive head (oral sex) on the campus of Binghamton University, which is coincidentally shaped like a brain.
"So man, did you get some head last night?"
"Nah, we snuck into the lecture hall and she gave me some of that BU Brain."
3 or more buses entering an establishment in quick succession.
Look Burger King is getting bus fucked right now, lets go to McDonald's.