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Lily J

Lily J is a really funny girl. She can make anyone happy when they are sad. Everyone should have a Lily J in their life to cheer them up. She’s a really cool friend


Hey, you should become friends with Lily J , she’s AWSome

by Mycatsmellsofbacon1 June 1, 2020

Boy on j

Boys on the letter “J”. They are usally fuckboys. All they wanna do is play with your heart. They play you like all the other girls he’s been with before. They are also too hot and there’s just something with them that makes every girl fall for them. They just have a “thing” that just make us all fall without knowing Especially the name JOACHIM, that’s a biiiiig fuckboy name right there. If you ask any guy on the letter “J” how many girls he’s been with the last 3 months he’ll probably say 10+... All boys on “J” will hurt you! Don’t be numb girls. But I understand, he has a biiiig dick

Me: Omg does your name start on j?
Boy on j: Yea how do you know?
Me: You’re just a fuckboy so I thought.

by Hurt clown girl October 16, 2019