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Holy Zarquan's singing fish

An explicative used to discribe surprise. Used in the book, the hitch hiker's guide to the galaxy.

Holy Zarquan's Singing Fish!

-Ford Prefect

by k00ld00d321 December 31, 2005

9👍 4👎

cracked like a koi fish

While being cracked out of your mind yet still performing. Similar to how a koi fish swim in a small pond cracked out of its mind but still performing.

Som’ shit Brad says

Fuck boi you are cracked like a koi fish.

Bro I was watching reel rock and I was cracked like a koi fish.

by SonOfAMish October 8, 2021

4th Gen Fish Boy

The fisherman king Lee Know!

He is an all rounder god who is also the 4th Gen Fish Boy king of the ocean

a: hey! is it true there’s a 4th Gen Fish Boy??
b: yes! the one and only Lee Know from Stray Kids

by Navile July 10, 2021

1👍 1👎

fishing in your mud hole

Anal play

Guy: Let me go “fishing in your mud hole”
Girl: im not into butt stuff

by Cott13 January 24, 2022

It's just fish fingers in a cave

Forget past offenses or causes of conflict and just reconcile.

"Did you, now? God, Patrick, do you have any idea how crazy that sounds? It's just fish fingers in a cave," SpongeBob replied.

by not_str8_mermaidman October 1, 2020

Las Vegas Fishing Trip

You go to Sin City for the weekend and the only thing you brought home was CRABS 🦀

You and the fellas go “clam digging” but instead got CRABS 🦀

The Wolf Pack of One and Raul Duke respectively went on a Las Vegas Fishing Trip and itches for weeks

by KilgoreTrout2019 May 18, 2019

humuhumunukunukuapua'a the friendly tutorial fish

humuhumunukunukuapua'a the friendly tutorial fish (also known as humuhumunukunukuapua'a your friendly tutorial fish or humuhumunukunukuapua'a your friendly talking fish) is a fish that only appears on the 1999 site outpost10f. Searching directly for humuhumunukunukuapua'a the friendly tutorial fish will yield no results and can only be found by going to outpost 10f and visiting one of the help popups. In some of outposts files he is referenced as humu.

humuhumunukunukuapua'a the friendly tutorial fish is threatening me and my family

by December 12, 2020