Something that is completely superior to anything else in the same class, genre, or universe. A quote from a truly "gifted" poster on a message board describing the videogame "Goldeneye".
"Goldeneye is an eye tat is golden".
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One who witnesses a self-cornholing/sodomization with a random object.
Andy and Jared became Brown Eye Witnesses when they watched Matt become an egg-asser.
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After a long night of drinking and witnessing a friend pass out drunk, one male then ejaculates on the friend's eyelids therein creating a binding link between eyelashes. After several hours after the ejaculation, the liquid welds the eye shut making it nearly impossible for the friend to open their eyes the following morning.
Mark got hammered last night and had sex with an ugly chick so I gave him an Israelian shut-eye so he wouldnt have to see her the next morning.
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A word describing a male with a large head who also has large eyes that extend from his face, looking like a cow.
The Needhams have moo-cow eyes.
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Usually a phrase said when people are being silent to make them laugh! Or, if you have a knife in your eye!
There's a knife in my eye!..... So what did you do yesterday?
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A physical ailment, usually exhibited by the overly tired or the extremely drunk, wherein one eye of the sufferer seems to wander aimlessly while the other eye remains fixed on the target of interest.
This unfortunate condition is typically environmentally induced and should not to be confused with the naturally occurring 'lazy eye' attributed to weak eye muscles.
The term refers to the Harry Potter character named Mad Eye Moody who possessed one magical eye that could scan the surrounding for Death Eaters, including above and behind the wearers line-of-sight.
"Your sister has a bad case of the 'Mad Eye Moody'. I can't tell if she's looking at me and it's freaking me out!"
"I could tell she was a novice drinker because she was all 'Mad Eye Moody' after one beer."
"After driving straight through from Indy to Orlando, I was more than tired....I was 'Mad Eye Moody' tired!"
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When you're getting a BJ, and you yell "Stop 'Holden' my Nutsack" and you then bust one in her eye. You then gently wipe off her face with an old copy of The Catcher in the Rye.
I never realized anything good came out of reading. But my old Catcher in the Rye book came in handy when I needed to clean her face after a quickie behind the White Castle. "The Catcher in her Eye" is now a favorite of ours.
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