Source Code

elf from fortnite not mario

has committed multiple war crimes


by CHILDFUCKER84 August 3, 2021

God of hating on fortnite

The God of hating on Fortnite is a person that is super sexy and is born on june 28th has a lot of friends, very popular and again very sexy

Spencer: look at that sexy man
Connor: oh yea that’s the god of hating on fortnite

by god of fn hate November 2, 2021

Fortnite Sensei

@cbsdfort on instagram #live2loot #mysonloots

Born to be a Fortnite Sensei.... Live to Loot

by THE SWAGGY P June 7, 2019

fortnite 4 life

Best group to be made and all of them play forinte.

fortnite 4 life is the bomb BRUH.
fortnite 4 life is so cool.

by Big dick March 9, 2018

Deleting Fortnite

When Little Timmy deletes Fortnite cause he lost the epic vic-roy.

little timmy is Deleting Fortnite but first he grabs his dads shotgun and preforms a nikolas cruz

by Epic Username June 8, 2019

fortnite kid syndrome

Fortnite kid syndrome is a mental illness that people obtain by gaming fortnite,some symptoms are a squeaky voice major toxicity and being a little bitch

You will have to put down for having fortnite kid syndrome

by E4ey. August 27, 2022

Fortnite CreepyPasta

I was casually playing some solos on Fortnite but then I saw a person that was walking slow. I went to shoot him but he just stand there and did nothing on till he shot me. The screen went black and I saw a creepy face that was jonsey but his jaw was split open and his guts were out. I got off of Fortnite fast and told my friends but they thought it was fake. So that's the creepy Fortnite CreepyPasta. Idk who it was but if you find him please take videos and tell others to warn them.

Fortnite CreepyPasta

by Artistchase9 September 20, 2021