A place that one takes the train to when one’s pride is damaged, often by provocative banter.
“Aw yeah, Frankie’s girlfriend broke up with him, now he’s on the train to bog city.”
A fart before leaving, usually in a doorway.
usually described as a bop or basic white bitch, they are out of touch and will vote for the current blood sucking democrat or liberal, if you live in Canada, this kid is probably named hijab and come from India or Pakistan or wherever the fuck the desert people come from, the key to identify this person is
1) look if they are eating curry or are brown
2) they speak derka derka
3) they cant shut the fuck up about how bad there desert was and how they have 15 siblings
4) extremely fucking smelly, "its not in my culture to shower or use deodorant"
5) doesn't know what country they are ruining "you Americans don't know how to cook" (meanwhile you are in Canada)
"Derka derka derka" says the Pakistani city kid in Toronto
“Aye dog that shotgun city we had was fucking crazy”
“I know right”
Fairmount City
The shear mention of this shithole is enough to make a new born baby cry, if not from its ghastly appearance, then from its ungodly smell. The people who live there fit into to 3 categories. Rednecks, Christians Rednecks, or the atheist who lives across from Church. However it is conveniently located next to Redneck Valley High School. A great place for your kids to learn, ya know, as long as they grew up there. Otherwise youll either be riduculed into suicide or moving to a new state, but not before someone impregnates your daughter in the bathroom by the football field. If at all possible avoid this place. Its fuckin terrible. If you comin through role up the windows and lock the doors And dont you dare stop at the near by burger king, you will get diabetes just from lookimg at half the staff and patrons.
How about a song instead of a sentence. Read to the tune of "Paradise City" By Guns N Roses
Get me out of Fairmount City, where grass is brown and air smells shitty. Oh God i want a new home... yeah yeah.