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rapid run middle school

Rapid is a place where people make pp jokes, act like their gonna fight someone and back out and where girls get dress coded everyday. The sports teams are not that good.

Did you hear that crack head at rapid run middle school got suspended

by Rambalz September 28, 2021

Farquahr middle school

A school in the middle of nowhere that is so fucking old. With sexist teachers, perverts, illegal immigrants, and abusive teachers. Kids are either eating cocaine donuts, smoking weed in the bathroom or on top of the school. Built in fucking 1789, there are dead bodies below the school. The dead bodies that are under the school are kids who were first raped then killed by the teachers because they told child services that's they were getting sexually assaulted.

My kid was so bad like the kids at farquahr middle school.

by Ahbwiwnan January 28, 2016

Forward middle finger

Sign of love and effection

Hey babe (forward middle finger).
Love you too babe

by Nothankhewgleh March 20, 2021

Middle dog talk

A dog language from a middle elevation of a region that canines trying to get rich and powerful try to learn.

Francis and his dog were discussing, in Middle Dog Talk, the new car amp technology and inventory they were going to team up on and sell their potential customers. Nothing silly about that, just two pals finding their rhythm.

by The Original Agahnim December 4, 2021

LaPorte Middle School

a middle school (hell) in northern indiana (LaPorte County)

people usually refer to this place as kesling even though that's only for 5th and 6th graders.

racists, hicks, wannabe gangsters, people with a body count of 80, homophobes, trump lovers, andrew tate stans, rude people, pick mes, nic fiends, and more live here.

La Porte is french for "the door" which must mean "the door to hell" when it comes to the schools in the town.

the teachers are either extremely strict or WAY too lax.

if you think the cliques at your school are bad, it's way worse here.

if you walk into the bathroom at the right time, you will witness someone vaping or someone getting railed in a stall.

the counselors are nice. the principals at both the middle school and high school though? YIIIIIKES. they worry about the wrong stuff. they legit think people are telling others to *hurt* themselves but that's not the case. kids are getting harassed and bullied. kids are getting into fights. there is so much going on.

there's so much more going on but this school makes me wanna die and others as well. it's a horrible school.

have this school be your (almost) last choice besides michigan city.

you are better going off to westville or valpo or something.

Person 1: "So, how's LaPorte Middle School? Is it a good place?"
Person 2: "Absolutely not, never come here. It's actual hell."

by deviousmclick January 3, 2023

Spearfish Middle School

A school where you do whatever you want and get introuble for everything stupid and nothing serious...

princable “Is that a juul I see?”
student one “Yes.”
princable “Oh okay

princable “IN MY OFFICE RIGHT NOW!!!”

student two “Why?”

princable “Those jeans has three holes in them!”

student two “That is where my feet and waist go into.”


Spearfish Middle School is gay...

by missdickisthiccc March 22, 2019

Pinewood Middle Campus

An ode to pinewood middle campus:
Pinewood is a place of a certain teacher on a loop of saying "No thank you sir"
Pinewood is a place of 4 hot rizz gods: AD, JPS, BA
Pinewood is a place of White stuck up rich kids
Pinewood is a place of

Pinewood middle campus a place of continous torcher.

by Pinewoodkid November 29, 2022