The cutest and funniest people, a better version to Cinnamon Roll. More likely to be one if named "Lauren."
Lauren is a Sinnamon Roll
"Rolling for persuasion" is an attempt in which one person attempts (usually) to convince another person to do something that they most definitely should not do.
Player: "I would like to convince the cultist that they should summon Baphomet instead of that little rinky dinky demon!"
DM: "are you sure?"
Player: yep!
DM: "ok, Roll for persuasion." *sigh*
When a woman farts in the seated position and the gas exits through the front instead of the back, becoming trapped in the frontal region. She then heads to the bathroom to shit and upon first push, produces a quif... The Drum Roll.
Harriet realized it was time to go when she let a short pre-shit rip out while sitting on the couch. She headed to the bathroom and upon sitting down gave a little push, and out came The Drum Roll before the big event.
A Jet-Roll is when a World of Warcraft toon sneeks up behind you and starts dancing in a dress. The ultimate Jet-Roll is when a Male Blood Elf in a big red dress gets behind you and starts dancing
/w You've just been JET-ROLLed
Lmao! thats my 9th Jet-Roll tonight
A state in which a person who was drunk the day prior is acting with an increased level of stupidity.
Payton was not making any sense. The stupid comments he was making must have been the Roll-over Drunk talking.
Slang for a woman's asshole. Can be used to discreetly ask for anal in a sexy way, or to see if a girl is DTF
Him "Heeyyy gurl, can I see ya camera roll later tonight?"
Her "Sure thing babe, lemme wash up before I come over"
Him "Dude Mia Khalifa is so fucking hot"
Other Him "Yeaa bro, you see her take it up the camera roll yet?"
Him "Hey, may I please see your camera roll?"
Her "Why? I mostly just have dog pictures on there."
Him "Oh, ok that sounds boring"
Slang for a woman's asshole. Can be used to discreetly ask for anal in a sexy way, or to see if a girl is DTF
Him "Heeyyy gurl, can I see ya camera roll later tonight?"
Her "Sure thing babe, lemme wash up before I come over"
Him "Dude Mia Khalifa is so fucking hot"
Other Him "Yeaa bro, you see her take it up the camera roll yet?"
Him "Hey, may I please see your camera roll?"
Her "Why? I mostly just have dog pictures on there."
Him "Oh, ok that sounds boring"