Slang term for hard seltzer
Mallory: Josie loves her Claws!
Eric: She's just drinking Commie Piss.
When someone stinks or is an alcoholic every weekend
D****** the absolute “piss tramp”
When you get some poo into your dick hole and then use piss to push it out. The poo on top of the piss is like the cork on a champagne bottle and the pee is like the champagne hence why it is called a champagne piss
I accidentally got my dick stuck in some shit so I had to take a champagne piss
The result of pissing while sitting down. As the urine runs past ones gooch, it becomes homogeneous with the gooch auar. This has an effect on both the odor and color of the urine.
Dude I totally just Gooch Pissed in your car man.
When a guy pisses on another guys dick and it drips onto his balls
“Jeremy just gave me balls of piss!”
Piss Gremlin- (N) 1. A druggie who smells like piss. 2. Somebody that is very extremely liberal or conservative. That creep at your school who just gives you pedophile or rapist vibes.
That guy smells like a Piss Gremlin! , Donald Trump is a total Piss Gremlin.
June 7th
The time to tell someone what they did to make you angry.
Don't be shy, be honest!
Person 1: Hey, I know that you slept with my wife!
Person 2: Why are you telling me this?!?
Person 1: It's 'Tell Someone What They Did to Piss You Off' Day