1 of 5 or 1 out of 5 mean u over everybody else people usally say that when they 15 or when they feel as if they the shit
idk its like 1.7432348181258835e+28 miles, basically if I would write this down, I would end up being the V.I.P that's the reason people come to my own funeral, saying it would take like 91284 trillion years to write, plus also this entire website would crash. so basically its the least largest number I end up on my math test. So yea, its like commonly used in astrology, don't know why because labeling a sun 72184769 billon light years away isn't going to help evolution besides some cool news headline and more failed rockets, but it's still cool so I'll allow it. You basically use it to overexaggerate some distance (or it's actually that's distance)
m0m, bUt i d0n"t wEnmA g0 t0 pLinRet 899Bjja7(1n2b(u71kjIU(!YINIJA f0r bREard, beCausE tha'tS lRIKe 1 x 1010^100 gigaparsecs (stupid fickin urban dictioniry making my sentences sound official) awaY. I hAve soo muCh to lIve foRE. i I d0n'T waNna sUffEr foR tHe rEst oF my LifE t0 gEt 0.000000000001% oF tHe wAy thEre, mY grAnd Grund GRand gRanD graND graND gRand ggRand graDN gradnD granDN grandn Grhand kids w0uld oNly bE aBle t0 mAkE iT tHere
A board game that is played like checkers comes with 10 BJS 10 rose's 10 sangs
9 ganBJrastas 1 g.cap. Player 1 can choose from BJ sang or rose's Player 2 can only choose the ganBJrastas and the g.cap. Player 2 can only play the g.cap last after the ganBJrastas are jumped off the board. By lbj as in Lonnie Benningfield junior.
I invented and made and created bejrovbooty ganbjrastas capital 1 the first banging backwards board game. By LBJ as in Lonnie Benningfield junior.
Red stone RELBJALOODS ๐ด AND BLUE UNITY RELBJALUDS ๐ DOUBJraGS as in dragons the green army men.๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐. By LBJ as in Lonnie Benningfield junior. their are 3 crime bosses one in blue and the other 2 in red and green.๐
I invented and made and created bejrovbooty ganbjrastas capital 1. By lbj as in Lonnie Benningfield junior.
Player 1 can only choose the good guys as in BJ sang and rose's and Player 2 can only choose the bad guys g.cap and the crime boss if player 1 wins the board game celebrates if player 2 wins the board game say game over player 1 player 2 wins. By lbj as in Lonnie Benningfield junior.
I invented and made and created bejrovbooty ganbjrastas capital 1. By lbj as in Lonnie Benningfield junior.
Red stone RELBJALOODS ๐ด AND BLUE UNITY RELBJALUDS ๐. Player 1 will have to play with BJ sang and rose's if player 1 jumps all the red and blue army men then he will have to jump the crime boss after all the army men is out. player 2 will have the army men and the crime boss player 1 will have BJ sang and rose's and the 5 credits to master the game if player 1 gets jumped 5 times then he or she is out game over. By LBJ as in Lonnie Benningfield junior.
I invented and made and created bejrovbooty ganbjrastas capital 1. By lbj as in Lonnie Benningfield junior.
Red stone RELBJALOODS ๐ด AND BLUE UNITY RELBJALUDS ๐ DOUBJrags as in dragons ๐ ๐ฒ. Player 1 will have to play with BJ sang and rose's if player 1 jumps all the red and blue and green army men then he will have to jump the crime boss after all the army men is out player 1 will have 10 credits just to win the whole game player 2 will have the army men and the crime boss player 1 will have BJ sang and rose's and the 10 credits to master the game. By LBJ as in Lonnie Benningfield junior.
I invented and made and created bejrovbooty ganbjrastas capital 1. By lbj as in Lonnie Benningfield junior.