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Douche buggery

The improvised cleansing of one's anus with a store bought douche kit.

Me and my cousin was gettin shitdick often and the festerin became painful, what with the corn kernels, pepper seeds and all. So we invented in the douche buggery kit for the rectum and Bob's you Uncle! Buy one today and your dick pains will be behind you, or you cousin, rather..... Also introducing the Rectum Relief kit! *The aggressive buggering in this ad was done by professionals on a closed buggering course. Do not attempt... Introducing New Joe's Buggering cream!! One Dalope and all you Buggering issues will ..

by Bugmen September 1, 2018

Douche Cat

The term "douchecat" generally refers to a Female with a certain combination of obnoxious characteristics related to attitude, social ineptitude, public behavior, or outward presentation or body showoff with feminist symptoms.

Though the common douchecat thinks she is accepted by the people around her, most of her peers dislike her. She has an inflated sense of self-worth, compounded by a lack of social grace and self-awareness. She behaves inappropriately in public, yet is completely ignorant to how pathetic & ugly she appears to others.

She often talks about how beautiful, cool, successful, and popular she is, yet never catches on to the fact that she comes across as a total loser & most ugly creature who hates men for no reason. Nevertheless, She firmly believes that she is the smartest, macho-feminist, bold, charismatic, attractive and most charming person in the room... and will try to bad-rep anyone who would threaten to expose this facade. But in reality no Man wants to even see or touch her or waster their time by even looking or talking about her.

She fancies herself a Women's Man, To everyone else, she is an annoying & arrogant who comes across as a wannabe overcompensating for her insecurities. She tries to appear like the center of whatever group will tolerate her, but in reality, She is just a tag-along who mooches drinks, men, contacts, social standing, and other benefits from the group... while contributing nothing.

Douche Cat or Douchecat

1) During the party, Hillary went into my room and took my iPod. She is a douchecat
2) Maneka is Douchecat as she keeps boasting about her Feminism & Feminist Ideas in conjunction with her Misandric mindset.

3) Who invited this douchecats... and why is She drinking from my bottle & still cursing & hating Men?

by visit2neo August 27, 2018

Douche Five

When you're about to high five someone, and your hands are just about to hit, then the other high-fiver quickly moves their hand away and proceed to give you the middle finger in your face.

Yo homie give me a five, up high, down low, aah fuck you haha you just got served a douche five.

by imdaboss856 February 10, 2014

Douch bait

The act of making a comment in a YouTube video to draw comments from Trolls and Shills in the comment section so that they may identified and blocked.

“I said that in my video as douch bait to get the trolls to comment

by Cheeky Monkees April 13, 2019

Butt Douche

Slang for “enema”. Prevalent in opioid circles.

“Yo Trey hook up that butt dousche. I’m 3 minutes away from wasting the last narcan if you don’t, and I ain’t trying to go out like Elvis either so stop fuckin around and let me get that butt douche bro”.

by That island guy August 9, 2024

Douche flower

A female who suggests something in a bitchy tone, but her male partner doesn’t like or think the suggestion is the right one. And then she explains her reasoning for the suggestion and turns out to be right.

Female: “Hey why don’t we go and get the kids there food instead of sitting outside of our food place.”

Male: “No we can sit here and go get food. Female: “Ummm ok well it’s 5’oclock traffic and it might take us longer to get our food back hot then if we get stuck in traffic and then we wait for the dinner line on top and then more traffic to get home. And if we go get the kids food then ours will be ready and we can save time.”
Male: “Dammit why do you have to be a douche flower.”

by Barbiedoll88 February 23, 2021

Pokey Douche

A person who kicks your Pokémon out of a gym immediately after you take the gym. Then proceeds to feed their Pokémon berries to prevent you from taking back the gym. This special kind of douche thinks the whole world revolves around them and their pokey greatness. Special gigantic versions of pokey douche skipped sharing in kindergarten and will never let your Pokémon stay in “their” gym for longer than a minute.

Wish I knew this pokey douche so I can tell them to fuck off!

by Jdc116799 January 27, 2022