When you create a style, and some one who definitely cannot imagine their own outfit, steals it from you... It sucks BAD.
This bish just style raped me! how effing rude...
when someone sends you some nasty shit online that you did not consent to seeing
you see that fucked up shit alex just sent? idk why he meme raped us
Just the horrific dick rape smell from hard all All action out in the sun roofing smells like dick vomit donkey snot gorilla peen and fermenting rotting wet tooth rape. With a tad mix of asshole rape
"Bro my nuts were just stuck to my legs today working in the hot sun it smelled like brutal construction rape."
When you can't take off the additional charges you have for items on your online purchase that you never selected.
Ben "I just booked my flight online and I was charged for things I didn't want like insurance, seat selection and a meal. I called them and told them No No No I don't want insurance but they said it's non-refundable"
Simon "You are a victim of e-commerce rape"
le•git•i•mate rape li-jit-uh-mit reyp
1. the unlawful compelling of a person through physical force or duress to have sexual intercourse.
Synonym: Rape-rape
Roman Polanski did not commit "Legitmate Rape" according to Whoopi Goldberg.
the action of forcing your ass onto someone else’s and shitting down their asshole.
The defendant received ten years in prison for shit rape.
when your ass is full of shit and it cramps like crazy and its basically the shit having unwanted anal with you hence the sexual moans
im so constipated that im afraid of going to the bathroom, thus making it worse, thus causing intense shit rape every other hour on every other day