a simp is a person that puts another person on a pedastal in hopes of getting their attention. a simp will risk anything and everything for this person, even if their feelings aren't returned. in other words, max.
If your only being nice cause you wanna lay the pipe your POg I mean a simp
a simp is a boy/girl that would do anything for someone. they value that person a lot, and probably put them first.
bro, youre such a simp.
add my tiktok: simplyh0ney_
Person: Griffin is such a simp for Dixie D’amelio
All of sway: this is a fact
this is what you say when you want to suck and inhale someone man power or man puss. meaning sperm or cum after sucking their dick and making them orgasm and the man with good taste cum taste very good and only like good girls do it and not sluts who been with everyone. to suck and inhale man power or man puss.
you a simp.