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keep a look eye

always keep your eyes open

dude how are you going to find any thing if you dont keep a look eye

by jerkyboys April 13, 2010

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one eye texting

when your in the bed laying down using 1 eye and 1 handto text message

I was one eye texting this chick til like 2am

by chris suave January 20, 2010

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7 between the eyes

According to satanic worships the seven between the eyes means when someone has been struck by the devil in the seventh level of hell before they are born. People "mostlikely Satanic Worshipers" who have a tattoo of a seven between their eyes are concidered satans chosen children. usually they also will have a tattoo of 666 on their forehead. it defines when someone has become insane and displaying very dark sadistic behavior.

Jimmy: hey I heard John is starting to get a 7 between the eyes!

Frank: Yep! he has been acting strange lately, he talks to himself allot in that dark basement.

Jimmy: I think he is going crazy.

satan devil diablo lokote insane 666 7 seven seventh level of hell hell sadistic insane insanity parinoia evil demon crazy dark satan worshiper posessed

by helenthegreat March 4, 2011

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Swedish Eye Drops

When you have a guy cum into eyes as a form of eye drops:

Honey, my eyes are kind of dry. Can you do that Swedish Eye Drops thing?

by Billcosbyeatme September 16, 2017

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Bombastic side eye, criminal offensive side eye

If u see someone that is not slaying you might say this.

Them: OMG Joshuaaaaaaa come be in a tiktok with me!!!!!!!
Me: Bombastic side eye, criminal offensive side eye.

by Yermaaaaa March 7, 2023

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Hazel eyes

Any combination of gray, amber, brown and green in an eye

Her hazel eyes are amazing

by Jenkins August 13, 2015

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Viral Pink Eye

Viral Pink Eye is when bacteria and germs that infect your eye(s), which causes them to turn pink, and in some cases burn, itch, and/or swell. It is accommadated with a very sore, swollen throat. It is like regular Pink Eye in a way, but takes much longer to heal because of the sore throat.

"So, Emma, what seems to be the problem?"
"Well, Dr. Ross, I believe I have pink eye."
"Let me check it out.
Ah, do you have a sore throat at all?"
"Yes. It even feels swollen!"
"That, Emma, is called a viral pink eye. It's just pink eye with a sore throat. You'll be fine in about 1-2 weeks."

by slytherin, hoe March 23, 2008

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